
Making a Tutu


I recently made a tutu for my niece's 3rd birthday. It was so much fun and turned out so cute, that I thought I would share how I made it. For the most part, I followed the instructions from the video I found on YouTube, How to make a no sew tutu, if you want a visual.

4 - 6" rolls (25 yards each) tulle in the color(s) you want - less if you want a thinner tutu
1" silk ribbon - you'll need the waist size you want plus 20 inches (to make the bow).
other fun ribbons (optional)

  1. Cut the tulle
    I cut the tulle for this skirt every 24" (most tutus for little girls are probably cut at 20", but I wanted a longer drop... 12" instead of 10").  You may not need to cut all the tulle, but I used almost all four rolls.

  2. Knot the ribbon
    Tie a knot 10" from each end of your ribbon.  The measurement between each knot should be the waist measurement you're looking for.  The good news is, it's easy to adjust if it's a little to big or small.

  3. Decide on your pattern
    Because I didn't want a solid tutu, I bought 3 light purple and 1 dark purple rolls of tulle.  I also wanted a very thick tutu.  (I'm a little modest and didn't want my niece's behind to show through.)  My pattern was 5 doubled-up knots of light, 2 single knots of dark.

  4. Tie on the tulle
    Lay out the ribbon in front of you. Fold a piece of tulle in half (two pieces to double-up), this will create a loop at one end. Thread the looped end under the ribbon, then pull the two (or four if doubled-up) ends through the loop. Pull the tulle tight around the ribbon. It's that easy! A little time consuming, but definitely worth it. (If this part was confusing, watch the video.)

  5. Add embelishments
    When I finished with the tulle, I took coordinating 1/4" ribbon, cut slightly shorter than the tulle, and tied it on with the same tying technique as above. I thought about even sewing little flowers at the bottom, but didn't want to go too far with it in case she didn't like it.
Hope you love it!

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