
52 Things To Do In 2012


This is quite the daunting list! However, all of it needs done. Unfortunately there aren't many things on the list that will be easy to cross off (other than #1), and this all needs to be done in conjunction with a child who has special needs, an infant, a husband with his own full-time job and list, and a full-time job. Can I do it? Only time will tell! Wish me luck!

  1. First off… RELAX
  2. Give or send birthday cards to close friends and relatives
  3. Take a Photoshop Class – Photoshop Advanced
  4. Take a Design Class – Advanced Layout Design
  5. Participate in 10 Scrapbooking/Photography Events
  6. Finish Ben’s 3rd Year Scrapbook (by March 17th)
  7. Finish Ben’s 4th Year Scrapbook (by March 17th)
  8. Start Ben’s 5th Year Scrapbook
  9. Finish Kenzie’s 1st Year Scrapbook (by July 27th)
  10. Start Kenzie’s 2nd Year Scrapbook
  11.  Finish our Wedding Album (by August 13th)
  12.  Finish my first Project Life Album (November 2011 – October 2012)
  13. Tweet 3 times a week
  14. Blog once a week
  15. Pin something new at least once a week
  16. Get a treadmill ASAP!
  17.  Lose 4 pounds a month.
  18. Complete the 200 Sit-Up Program
  19. Complete the 100 Pushup Program
  20. Complete the 200 Squat Program
  21. Complete the Couch to 5K Program
  22. Exercise at least 3 times a week
  23. Put a budget together
  24. Put an account list together
  25. Get out of credit card debt
  26. Fix Ben’s ING account
  27. Start saving for Kenzie’s college (College Advantage)
  28. Open a savings account for Kenzie (ING)
  29. Open a P&G account for Kenzie’s stock
  30. Put together our WILL
  31. Put my “official” cookbook together and print
  32. Finish cubbies for Ben’s room
  33. Make valance for Ben’s room
  34. FINISH Ben’s room
  35. Paint pink stripe in Kenzie’s room
  36. Finish Kenzie’s photo frames
  37. Hang Kenzie’s decorations (mirrors, button M, stats sheet)
  38. FINISH Kenzie’s room
  39. Paint master bedroom and ceiling
  40. Paint master bath and ceiling
  41. Fix tile in master bath
  42. Towel hanger for master bath
  43. Paint kids’ bath and ceiling
  44. Paint half bath ceiling
  45. Hang shelf and picture in the entry hall
  46. Update pictures throughout the house
  47. Touch up kitchen ceiling
  48. Find a clock for the kitchen
  49. Paint laundry room and ceiling
  50. Get new washer and dryer
  51. Get new furniture for the great room
  52. Go through everything in the basement… purge and organize!

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  1. You go girl - just think of it as a project a week and maybe it won't be so daunting.


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