
52 Things To Do In 2010 (and 2011)


So, it's the time of year for new resolutions. Time to reflect, time to brush off the "failures", and time to try again.

Reflecting on my list of 52 Things from 2010. (Yes, 2010, not 2011.) The list is below but you can see the original post here. If I had done all those things in a year, I think I would have felt accomplished, but in reality, this list ended up being a 2-year list and I went backwards on some of it! Now that I have looked it over and celebrated what I did get done, it's time to move on. 

I will share my 52 Things for 2012 on January 1, 2012 with the hopes of total success!

52 Things To Do In 2010

Health, Diet, and Exercise
    1. Lose 20 pounds
    2. Establish a morning and evening routine
    3. Start walking 10,000 steps a day
    4. Complete the 200 sit-ups training program
    5. Complete the 100 push ups training program
    6. Complete the 200 squats training program
    7. Start packing lunch 3 days a week
    8. Collect two weeks’ worth of healthy ideas/recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks
    9. Work on cookbook of tried-and-true recipes
    1. Take a mommy-and-me class
    2. Find time to go outside with Ben while daddy is at softball
    3. Get Ben to sleep in his crib the entire night
    4. Speech therapy for Ben
    5. Follow-up with sleep clinic and ENT about Ben's tonsils
    6. Follow-up with cardiologist about Ben's hole in his heart
Crafts and Hobbies
    1. Read 12 grown-up books from start to finish
    2. Have a Little Faith
    3. Heroes for My Son
    4. Run Like a Mother
    5. Take a scrapbooking class
    6. Finish Ben's 1st year scrapbook
    7. Finish Ben's 2nd year scrapbook
    8. Keep Ben's 3rd year scrapbook up-to-date
    9. Finish our wedding scrapbook
    10. Take a photography class
    11. Take monthly pictures of Ben (around the 17th)
    12. Continue making jewelry
    13. Create a catalog of what's been made so far and its cost
    1. Learn Wordpress
    2. Complete the church's website in Wordpress
    3. Apply to 3 jobs a week
    1. Find a paint color for the main portions of the house
    2. Organize the coat closet
    3. Repaint the entryway
    4. Paint the half bath ceiling
    5. Paint the kitchen ceiling
    6. Paint the kitchen
    7. SCRUB all of the tile by hand (summer)
    8. Clean the tops of the cabinets (summer)
    9. SCRUB all of the tile by hand (winter)
    10. Clean the tops of the cabinets (winter)
    11. Wash all of the windows in the house
    12. Clean behind and under the refrigerator
    13. Clean behind and under the stove
    14. Clean out and reorganize the kitchen cabinets
    15. Window coverings for kitchen and breakfast nook
    16. Hang glass-blown balls
    17. Paint the laundry room ceiling
    18. Paint the laundry room
    19. Hang cabinets in the laundry room
    20. Organize the laundry room
    21. Carpet the great room
    22. Artwork – Decide what stays, what goes, what gets added, etc. 
    23. Hang artwork in loft
    24. Organize the basement
    25. Organized and inventory upstairs and downstairs freezer
    26. Get the driveway sealed
    27. Get a shed in the yard
    28. Move stuff from garage to shed and organize
    29. Scrub the garage floor and paint
    30. Organize what is left in the garage
    31. 2010 Taxes
    1. Get pregnant

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