
Summer Reading


I am on the summer reading bandwagon, not just for my son, but for me! Here are two books that I have recently read that I just couldn't put down! And, not only were they great books, but they also got me two books closer to marking something off of my 52 Things To Do In 2010 list.

Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

If I didn't have things that tore me away from this book, I would have gladly sat and read it from start to finish in one night, that's how good this book was. Even being raised as a "good little Catholic girl," I could easily relate with Mitch's religious upbringing in the Jewish community. It made me want to sit in the pews for one of the Reb's sermons and it made me wonder if the priests that have been a part of my religious upbringing were such dynamic human beings. I will definitely be putting Tuesdays with Morrie and For One More Day on my reading list. Also, if you haven't read 5 People You Meet in Heaven, I highly suggest that book as well.

Heroes for My Son by Brad Meltzer

What a touching book. When I first picked this book up, I thought the heroes that were included in the book would be strong males. But there were women and men alike. Each hero embodied a trait (or traits) that the author wants his sons to have. I am looking for the book Brad is writing for his daughter!

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  1. Have A Little Faith is an excellent book. We received it as a Christmas gift from a friend. The year before he sent us For One More Day. You'll enjoy it also. I need to take stock of where I stand on the reading list I set out to conquer this year. After all, the year is half over today.


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