
52 Things - Progress


10. Take a mommy-and-me class

Ben and I were taking the Gymsters / Terrific Tots class at My Gym, but I didn't really see the point to go through the summer since we can play outside. But he had a blast so I'm sure we'll take another class this fall.

11. Find time to go outside with Ben while daddy is at softball
If Joe does have an early game and I'm home alone with Ben, we do usually make it outside. The dishes can wait, childhood won't!

12. Speech therapy for Ben
Four weeks done... what an amazing difference so far!

13. Follow-up with sleep clinic and ENT about Ben's tonsils
Just got scheduled for a sleep study on July 5th. It should be an exciting overnight!

14. Follow-up with cardiologist about Ben's hole in his heart
We have our follow-up appointment next week... please say a prayer for my baby boy. I'm hoping it's completely closed and it will be one less thing we have to worrying about!

28. Find a paint color for the main portions of the house
It's almost been 5 years since we built our house and I'm still looking at the builder's paint. Here are the five colors I'm testing...

1-Jute, 2-Stone Brown, 3-Burnt Almond, 4-Wilmington Tan, 5-Sandy Ridge

43. Hang glass-blown balls
I think I've had the three glass-blown balls for four years now, but I don't think hubby really liked them so they've been in a shoe box since then. I finally hung two of them in the loft on Friday, but I don't really like the other one anymore (it's a teardrop shape) so I may see if my mom wants to hang it in her kitchen window.

48. Carpet the great room
We picked out the carpet, now we just need to pick paint, paint, and then we can order the carpet.

52. Get the driveway sealed
The forecast was finally clear enough for the asphalt sealant company to come out. Now we have a black driveway again!

53. Get a shed in the yard
Another aggravation. We got a notice in January saying our homeowners association was going to let us put up sheds and they would send us the details when they were finalized. When I called last week they were still working on the details. So, we'll be lucky if we get one before the end of summer.

55. 2010 Taxes
Those were finished in April :)

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