
Thursday's Top Ten - Installment 3


Here are some of my favorites from the week. What a great week for the blog world.

  1. Crisp In a Jar from Wendolonia
    YUMM-O! My mouth is watering! When you live in a small household like I do, you definitely don't want a big old cobbler taunting you every time you walk by the kitchen.
  2. Eat With Me: Road Trip! from Trainer Momma
    I'm starting to plan for my crazy long car trip and these are excellent suggestions of foods to pack. I hate eating junk all the way and then feeling BLAH by the time I get to my destination! I am also looking forward to trying the BBQ Wrap!
  3. Inspiration Wednesday + Video (Really!!!) from Simply Me
    Donna Downey has completely inspired me, and I hope to start my own Inspiration Journal this weekend! Also check out Donna's Inspiration Journal Beginnings.
  4. Let There Be Light, Candle Holder, Frugal Home Designs from Remodelaholic
    Love this! I am going to try to make this for my next BBQ and hopefully do some citronella candles in the holes!
  5. Getting Things Done: Corralling Your Stuff from The Simple Dollar
    I am going to do this... and have ordered the book. I want more of how to pull all the to do itmes together!
  6. Run, Forrest, Run! from Bits&Pieces
    It's all about the inspiration. Cathy, because of you, I think I'm ready to lace up my running shoes and get moving!
  7. 14 Outdoor Activities To Do With Your Kids This Summer from Zen Family Habits
    Thank you Sherri for reminding me what summer is for! I may be a working mom, but I know I want to fit all of these things in. And the link to Indoor Activities for Kids will be great for those rainy days.
  8. BLT Pasta or How Crafty Makes a Mess in the Kitchen from Crafty's Cafe
    Another recipe that is getting added to the menu plan for next week!
  9. How to Spend a Saturday - Cleaning the Garage from The Perfectly Imperfect Life
    This is exactly what I should have been doing Saturday... instead we went to the park to play with some friends, had a nap, and went to a birthday party. It's great inspiration though!
  10. Super Cute Sewing Tutorials from How About Orange
    Can't wait to try these! And thank you for sharing the Noodlehead blog with your blog readers, it's fabulous!

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