
Thursday's Top Ten - Installment 13


  1. 2011 Parade of Homes Day No. 1!!! from Poppies at Play
    I haven't had a chance to go through all the houses yet, but am so excited! I absolutely love taking a peak at other people's homes. And I want to thank Just a Girl for linking up to this blog! She's Stop 11 on Poppies at Play Parade of Homes.

  2. Stamping Tutorial with Michelle from Studio
    I love this idea, especially the can of flowers with the stamped ribbon wrapped around it. Will be putting this in my idea file.

  3. Clue #3 in the Master Bedroom Mystery - Last Minute Shoving from A Slob Comes Clean
    It's good to know that I'm not the only one who does this. I currently have three large shipping in boxes in my master bedroom that I don't know what to do with.  They were spread about the house, but when we had company last week and needed places to eat/sleep/play, I consolidated my piles right into the boxes and into the master bedroom. Probably should do something about that this weekend. (BTW, I also have a laundry basket full of stuff shoved under my desk that needs to find new homes.)

  4. Tasty Tuesdays: Grown Up Mac and Cheese from 33 Shades of Green
    This looks so yummy! Gruyère and fontina cheeses AND BACON (everything tastes better with bacon)? Looking forward to trying this one.

  5. Organizing Under the Kitchen Sink from Organize with Sandy
    I'm so afraid to screw into my cabinets, this is a fantastic alternative. I will be trying this idea out soon. Thanks Sandy!

  6. Easily hang an organized photo gallery with The PerfectPicturewall from Unclutterer
    I have drooled over this system for many years. I'm not sure where I first saw it, but it is a great idea... I just can't bring myself to spend the moolah to get the goods. Maybe someday.

  7. Questions of Kindergarten: Full Day verses Half Day from Life As Mom
    By the time my oldest starts kindergarten, I'm pretty sure there will be no option and he will be going full day, but this article definitely makes you think.

  8. Dresser Bookshelf Support for Cabin Bunk System from Ana White Homemaker
    If you don't know Ana, check out her blog. She and her website are awesome. Wish I had the time to try out many of her projects!

  9. Rainy Day Activity - Puff Paint from One Crafty Mumma
    So cool, can't wait to try this out with my little one.

  10. Font Notebook from Dittle Dattle
    Not sure if I'll make one of these handy dandy notebooks for myself, as I do most of my text by hand or with my Cricut, but I still think it's a great idea!

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