
Bad Day... Good Day... Another Day...


Yesterday was a long day, and a bad day...

I took my baby boy to the ENT yesterday and asked for his hearing to be checked. It turns out that he once again has partial hearing loss. Every time we get over one hurdle, it seems like five more are put in our way. I am devastated but am hopeful that the hearing loss is only being caused because his tubes have begun working their way out. We should know within the next six months if this is the actual cause of his hearing loss and whether my sweet baby will need to undergo another surgery to have his tubes removed or whether he will need a second set put in.

This may not seem like horribly bad news, but with the speech troubles we're still having, the fact that he has been evaluated by our local school district and they believe he may have more issues than with his speech, my concerns he may have some slight ADD and OCD, not to mention our fun with potty training, it is almost too much to handle.

Today was a good day...

What a gorgeous day! I took the day off and met my mom for some retail therapy at an outlet mall. I didn't spend much money, thankfully, but was happy to be away from all the stress and daily grind. AND I got bedding for my baby boy's new big boy room! My mom also treated me to lunch, some maternity clothes, and bought baby girl some CUTE CUTE clothes :)

Tomorrow is another day...

Round 2 of speech therapy starts tomorrow. It is during Ben's normal nap time, so we'll see how it goes... my fingers are crossed. It is also just going to be him and the therapist (a.k.a. without mommy) in the room. But, it is Friday!

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