

Well, I'm a third of the way through the LOAD challenge and I am feeling the strain.  I found out today that I have had pneumonia for possibly nine weeks, so at least I am feeling positive that my energy levels could go up and I'll be able to finish the whole 28-day challenge!  I just hope that I can find my creativity somewhere, since I seem to have lost that along with my energy!

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  1. Hey Connie!

    I hope you're feeling better? My husband is going through lung issues right now and it is so fatiguing. I am so sorry.

    I hope you will keep posting for LOAD. You are adorable and have such a cute family. I haven't been able to keep up every day, but I do plan on posting a pic for each day (I love to complete things!).

    I was thinking of you today and you are in my prayers, junelle


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